What To Do With Brand Acquisitions

What To Do With Brand Acquisitions

With every consolidation, companies stand the chance that they will acquire brands that are completely different from their existing core. Some may be stronger than the ones they started off with, and some may be much weaker. How do you decide which ones to keep, which ones to transition, and which ones just need a little polish?
Marketing Like a Drag Queen

Marketing Like a Drag Queen

It’s hard to believe there was a time when drag queens were a part of a counter-culture. Today, they are as much a part of lives as a run to Starbucks. From national superstars like RuPaul, New Orleans’ own Bianca del Rio (which some might say IS a...
Why Sonic Branding Is Important

Why Sonic Branding Is Important

The sound of your brand is the logo that plays itself out in the mind of your customers. Sonic branding might be as important…if not more…than the logo you develop. Close your eyes and listen. More than likely you will hear a tune or melody wafting from your television, or YouTube. If successful, that tune will immediately make you think of a brand.

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