Why You Should Be Using Sensory Marketing For Your Casino (and Easy Ways to Get Started)

Why You Should Be Using Sensory Marketing For Your Casino (and Easy Ways to Get Started)

Sensory marketing is the utilization of triggers to create an emotional experience. Traditional marketing (in the form of advertising) has leaned into sight and sound, but the other senses of touch, smell, and taste can create the memory triggers that will bond to a customer or guest. The theory is that this type of marketing can increase the chance of your target consumers recognizing your brand and buying your product or service because their emotions have been triggered.

The Battle for Digital Attention

The Battle for Digital Attention

As marketers, our goals for social media have moved beyond likes and follows. Now, we have to create intent out of that attention. And, although we probably thought we had the perfect formula for reaching our digital marketing goals, 2020 has shaken up the ingredients and quantities. Now, we have to learn and follow a new, evolving recipe for success.

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