Casino Marketing

The Casino Marketing Shakeup: How to Find an Agency That Speaks Your Language

So, you think you want a new agency?
Every day, news breaks about another big company switching ad agencies. It’s enough to make any casino marketer wonder if the grass is greener on the other side. You’re not alone if you’re nodding your head and feeling the marketing blahs. But before you jump ship, let’s talk about what it really takes to find the right marketing partner for your casino.
As a marketing consultant who provides both strategy and creative projects, it disheartens me whenever an agency is looked at poorly. I’ve seen countless situations where miscommunication and misaligned expectations lead to dissatisfaction on both sides. Even more disheartening is the sight of a generic Request for Proposal (RFP) landing on my desk. These often broad and non-specific documents fail to capture the unique needs and aspirations of a casino looking to rejuvenate its marketing efforts. As a result, they frequently get broad and non-specific, making it a gamble to pick a new agency.

Why the Itch to Change Your Ad Agency?

A significant number of companies regularly change agencies, with nearly 40% of brands planning to fire their agency within six months, according to a survey by AdAge. So, why do companies, including casinos, feel the urge to make this switch?

1. Seeking Fresh Ideas and Enthusiasm

Marketing can sometimes feel stagnant, with campaigns becoming repetitive and lacking innovation. The desire for fresh ideas and renewed enthusiasm. Boutique agencies often promise these fresh perspectives, along with more nimble processes and lower costs.

2. Poor Performance or Repeated Mistakes

Consistent underperformance or repeated mistakes can erode trust and effectiveness. If your agency repeatedly misses the mark, it may be time to look for a partner to deliver better results.

3. Legal Issues or Brand Damage

Any legal missteps or actions that damage your brand can be detrimental. If your current agency has risked your brand, it’s a clear sign that a change is necessary.

4. Evolving Client Needs and Agency Capabilities

As your casino grows or shifts its focus, your marketing needs evolve. This evolution may require new expertise or capabilities that your current agency can no longer provide. Staying relevant in the fast-paced casino industry demands an agency that can adapt and grow with you.

5. Feeling Stuck

Your current agency might struggle to evolve and keep up with the growing demands of today’s marketing landscape. The tools of the trade are not as unique as we’d like to think, and it may feel like your agency is just going through the motions.

6. The Appeal of New Agencies

With boutique agencies popping up everywhere, offering fresh ideas, lower costs, and more agile processes, thinking a new agency will automatically solve all your problems is tempting. This allure can be hard to resist, especially when your current strategies feel lackluster.

7. Avoiding Complacency

Even if things are “okay,” complacency is dangerous in the competitive casino marketing space. You need a partner to help you break through the clutter and breathe new life into your promotions. Staying ahead of the curve requires continuous innovation and proactive strategies.

8. In-House Challenges

You may have invested in in-house graphic capabilities but aren’t seeing the expected results. Or your in-house team is stretched thin and needs specialized support that an external agency could provide. These challenges can prompt the search for a new agency to complement and enhance your internal efforts.
While many companies change agencies relatively frequently, doing so too often can have negative consequences. The ideal frequency depends on factors like performance, evolving needs, and the specific circumstances of each company-agency relationship. If you cannot see your current agency joining your journey or meeting your changing needs, it’s time to consider beginning the process of finding a new marketing partner.

The Soul-Searching Before the Search

Before you start interviewing agencies, you need to do some serious soul-searching. This introspective process will help clarify your needs and expectations, ensuring you find the right fit. Ask yourself and your team the following.

Why Do You Really Want a New Agency?

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Be brutally honest with yourself. Are your expectations realistic? Are you chasing the latest trends, or is there a genuine need for change? Are you getting the value you’re paying for? Reflecting on these questions helps determine whether your dissatisfaction stems from unrealistic expectations or a fundamental issue with your current agency. Consider if your campaigns feel repetitive and lack innovation, a point highlighted in our previous post on seeking fresh ideas and enthusiasm.

What Are Your Goals?

Clearly define your goals. What specific problems are you trying to solve? Do you need help with brand strategy, creative campaigns, media buying, or digital marketing? Understanding your needs will guide you in finding the right agency with the appropriate skills. Link back to our discussion on evolving client needs and agency capabilities to ensure your new partner can adapt and grow with your casino.

Should You Consider Creating In-House Agency Capabilities?

Weigh the pros and cons of building an in-house team versus hiring an external agency. In-house teams should offer more control and closer alignment with your brand’s culture, but they can be costly and may need more specialized expertise than agencies provide. Evaluate if your in-house graphic capabilities are meeting expectations or if they are stretched thin and need support.

Should You Consider a Collection of Agencies?

Sometimes, one agency may not have all the skills you need. Consider the pros and cons of working with a collection of specialized agencies. This approach can offer targeted expertise and flexibility but may require more coordination and management from your side. Assess if you need a specialist or a generalist based on the specific problems you are trying to solve.

What’s Your Budget?

Be realistic about what you can afford. Consider the size of your company, your available resources, and the scope of your marketing needs. A detailed budget will help narrow potential agencies and prevent overextending your finances. Reflect on whether a cost-effective solution provides the same or better services.

What Kind of Relationship Do You Want?

Decide on the type of relationship you want with your agency. Are you looking for an agency that will wow you with flashy presentations, or do you need a partner to roll up their sleeves and work alongside your team? Do you want a full-service agency or a more specialized approach? This consideration ties into the importance of having a partner who can help you break through the clutter and breathe new life into your promotions.
Answering these questions will give you a roadmap for your agency search. This soul-searching step ensures that when you start looking for a new agency, you will be well-prepared to find one that truly aligns with your needs and expectations.

The Hunt for the Perfect Partner

Finding the right agency is like finding a soulmate – it takes time and effort. Here’s what to look for:
Talent: Can they deliver the kind of creative work that inspires you? Look at their portfolio and case studies. Do they have experience in the casino industry or with similar brands? Do they have the type of talent you need to achieve your goals? This point ties into the importance of having a partner who can help you break through the clutter and breathe new life into your promotions.
Chemistry: Do you genuinely like the people you’ll be working with? Remember, this is a long-term relationship. You will spend a lot of time together, so make sure there’s a good fit. Finding a partner who understands your brand and shares your vision cannot be overstated.
Process: Do they have a straightforward, organized approach to projects? How do they handle communication and collaboration? What tools and resources do they use? Can they integrate with your existing team and processes?
Results: Can they show you a track record of success? Ask for references and talk to other clients about their experiences. Have they delivered measurable ROI for their clients? 
Hybrid Approach: If you have in-house capabilities, look for an agency that seamlessly integrates with your team. A hybrid approach can leverage the strengths of both your in-house team and the agency’s expertise, leading to more effective and efficient marketing. This reflects the need for specialized support and integration with your internal team.
Be bold, ask tough questions, and challenge the agencies to think outside the box.

Steps to Choosing a New Agency

1. Define Your Goals and Needs. Start by clearly outlining what you want to achieve with your marketing efforts. Are you looking to increase foot traffic, improve your online presence, or enhance customer loyalty programs? Understanding your needs will help you find an agency specializing in those areas. 
2. Conduct a Thorough Audit. Before reaching out to potential agencies, audit your current marketing activities. Identify what’s working and what isn’t. This audit will provide valuable insights and help you communicate your needs more effectively to prospective agencies.
3. Research Potential Agencies. Look for agencies with a proven track record in the casino or hospitality industry. Consider both large, well-established firms and smaller boutique agencies. Each has advantages—larger agencies might bring extensive resources, while smaller ones often could offer more personalized service. 
4. Evaluate Their Portfolio. Examine the agency’s portfolio to understand its style and capabilities. Look for case studies that demonstrate their success in achieving goals similar to yours. Pay attention to creativity, innovation, and results. Do not limit your evaluation to the casino industry only.
5. Check References and Reviews. Contact other agency clients and read online reviews. References can provide insights into the agency’s reliability, communication, and overall performance. Ask specific questions about their experiences and the outcomes of their campaigns.
6. Assess Their Expertise and Services. Ensure the agency has expertise in the areas most important to you, whether digital marketing, event promotions, social media, or loyalty programs. Confirm they offer the needed services, from strategic planning and creative design to data analytics and performance tracking.
7. Meet the Team. A good fit goes beyond capabilities—it’s about chemistry. Meet the team members who will be working on your account. Ensure they understand your brand, share your vision, and are enthusiastic about your projects.
8. Review Proposals and Costs. Request detailed proposals from shortlisted agencies. Compare their strategies, creative ideas, timelines, and costs. Ensure there are no hidden fees and that the services align with your budget.
9. Start Small with a Test Project. Before committing to a long-term contract, consider starting with a small test project. This will allow you to gauge the agency’s performance, communication, and ability to deliver results.
10. Make Your Decision. Based on your research, evaluations, and test project, choose the agency that best meets your needs and aligns with your casino’s goals. Ensure the contract is clear and has defined expectations and deliverables.

Building a Relationship That Lasts

Choosing the right agency is just the first step. Building a productive and lasting relationship requires dedication, effort, and a genuine connection. Here’s how to cultivate a partnership that not only works but thrives:
Honesty: Be upfront about your strengths, weaknesses, and expectations. The more transparent you are, the better equipped your agency will be to meet your needs. Honesty lays the foundation for trust and ensures that both parties are on the same page from the start. It’s about openly sharing your vision, challenges, and aspirations, fostering an environment where collaboration can flourish.
Trust: Trust is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. Give your agency the creative freedom to surprise you. Avoid micromanaging; trust their expertise and allow them to bring their unique perspective to the table. Remember, you hired them for their skills and creativity—let them show you what they can do. This trust empowers the agency and leads to more innovative and impactful campaigns.
Communication: Open and effective communication is vital. Keep the lines of communication open and be responsive. Regular check-ins, clear feedback, and open dialogue are essential for a successful partnership. Make it a point to have frequent meetings, whether quick catch-ups or in-depth strategy sessions. Ensure that feedback is constructive and timely, helping your agency refine its approach and deliver better results.
Building a lasting relationship with your agency is more than just a professional arrangement; it’s a partnership built on mutual respect, trust, and a shared passion for success. Celebrate the wins together, navigate the challenges as a team, and always strive for excellence. When both parties are committed to the same goals and values, the potential for what you can achieve together is limitless.

Ready to Break Free from the Marketing Rut?

If you’re tired of the same old casino marketing and ready to find an agency that genuinely gets you, we’re here to help. J Carcamo & Associates offers flexible solutions from complete fractional CMO services and project work to retainer-based advertising and marketing services. Our Casino Marketing Boot Camps are designed to enhance your in-house team and deliver the desired results. Contact us today to schedule a discovery call and learn more about how we can be your partner in growth.
Julia Carcamo

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